As a self-defense teacher, my job is to show men & women how to avoid danger, create a deeper/more keen awareness, and to (if necessary) fight back with a tenacious resolve.

As a child, teenager and (I must admit) for a brief time as a grown man, I felt confident that disciplined study of the martial arts would protect me from violence.  Through much education, I’ve come to understand that protecting yourself from the savagery of “the streets” is much more of a mental game than a physical one.


After finishing my first book, The Golden Thread: The Essential Principles of Self-Defense, I was eager to put my energies into my next project, formerly called “The Shark”… now, the Isurus™ Self-Defense Keychain (buy one HERE).  In the summer of 2009, it didn’t take long to sell our first batch of 110 keychains.  The reason behind it’s immediate success was not just the aesthetics, or it’s cool name, but the fact that violence is ever-present, and people are concerned for both their safety and their family’s.  The question still remained, “How do we keep ourselves safe from attack?”

Increasing our Awareness

Many attacks that happen happen because we are in a “switched off” state.  We’re thinking about tonight’s homework, tomorrow’s meeting, what to fix our kids for dinner and wham!… just like that we are confronted with the unexpected.  If we lived in the Old West, we might have a revolver by our side, but we don’t.  All most people can do at this point is pray.  But back up a bit!!!  What if you had a keychain that… just by the look of it or the feeling of it in your hand, reminds you to “keep sharp?”  The truth is this – you’re more likely to be “switched on”… at a heightened state of alertness with the Isurus than without it.

When we MUST fight, PAIN is the biggest deterrent.

Criminals do not want to be caught.  With women, a predator-type will typically pick the (seemingly) weaker female.  Remember, it doesn’t matter whether your a man or a woman – whether you’re strong or weak – it is WHAT YOU APPEAR TO BE in the eyes of your opponent.  Once the fight is on, we must do one thing, SURVIVE.  Having an Isurus™ Self-Defense Keychain at-hand is on of the best ways to leverage your chances for survival.

Think about the possibly scenarios yourself.  Weigh the options.  Is protecting your health & well-being, your family’s worth the price of $12.00?  As one of my favorite self-defense teachers, Paul Vunak once said,

It’s best to have a tool & not need it, than to need it and not have it.

Still not convinced? Well then, the Isurus™ Keychain may not be for you.  There are plenty of self-protection tools on the market.  Find the right one for you, but be smart about it and make sure to ask yourself these questions, (1) Is it easily concealable (2) Is it hard to operate (3) Is it easy to break/require charging, etc. and (4) most importantly, is it easy to get to in an emergency?   Since many violent crimes happen in parking decks and parking lots,.. and due to the fact that most people (of driving age) carry with them some sort of key with them (i.e. car keys, house keys), the Isurus™ sounds like a solid bet.




A self-defense keychain is not something new.  A kubotan® (sometimes misspelled as kubaton or kobutan) was developed as a close-quarter self-defense tool by Karate Master Takayuki Kubota in the mid-1970’s.  Brought to popularity through Kubota’s law enforcement training in California, the original kubotan® was 5.5 inches long and 0.56 inches in diameter.  Because of its effectiveness in subduing recalcitrant criminals, the tool took on the name “Instrument of Attitude Adjustment.”

The Isurus™ is classified as a self-defense keychain stick (SDKS) or a pocket-stick.  It was designed by Coach Michael Joyce in 2008 and manufactured in 2009 to become one of the most practical and effective self-defense tools on the market.  A Kubotan® might be best for law enforcement still, because of their emphasis in subduing a violent and/or unruly individual.  The man or woman attacked on the street however, should not be asked to give an aggressor such leniency.  The “mouth” of the shark-inspired keychain is ideal for causing pain, period!  The Isurus™ is shorter to to be more of a “fit” in the average-sized hand, as well as to keep it better concealed and harder to pry away.

The Isurus™ is not a Kubotan®! This distinction should be made.  Kubotans® are commonly blunted on both ends (although some have a smooth, buffed point).  They are highly effective and used for pressure point striking, as a counterweight, and as a lever-tool for applying locks and holds.  Kubotans® are a bit more clean and friendly compared to the Isurus™.

The Isurus™ can be dangerous! The point is made to pierce the kind and cause pain.  Pain is a great distraction and most helpful in aiding your escape or winning the confrontation.  There is also a significant psychological and physical response to being cut or punctured where being battered with a kubotan just can’t compare.  Remember, the Isurus™ Self-Defense Keychain should be used only at times when you feel the situation to be life-threatening.

As a final note, please consult the free, downloadable manual.  You may also purchase a fully illustrated advanced manual if you’d like to understand the use of the Isurus™ (or any other pocketstick) to a greater detail.  It is also advised that you seek a qualified professional to instruct you on the use of the keychain and on any other methods that will keep you safe!   Train hard, train safe!

If you have any questions, please email us at : Isurus_KeyChain@Hotmail.Com